Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ok, if you insist.

This is more what I had in mind.


Fat Shark said...

Is this a picture of me hooping and hollering dressed as a pterodactyl, or a Montanian mountain flute.

Unknown said...

You are full of crap. This is really a picture of you dressed as a cup-covered canned food drive instigator.

Fat Shark said...

I beg to differ sir. This is I incog-neat-o as a filthy bowl of spray cheese and guar gum in a pillow case.

Unknown said...

Or maybe this is you cavorting around as a parsnip-flavored easel with gangrene infested buttermilk poured over the top.

Fat Shark said...

Halt, Mr Ganushi. You had better be glad your wilting flip flops did not grab my illustrious maintanance closet. Please keep all debris from entering the glamour shots studio during the tresting of nuclei demonstrations.