Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Above is an image of the card game "pinochle", sometimes pronounced "pee-knuckle".

The definition of "pee-knuckle", according to

v. The drunken act of trying not to urinate on your hand while trying to pee and keep your balance. Usually requiring a very drunk individual.
"He just went to go to the bathroom, man, but he is so trashed he is probably in there playing pee-knuckle."

Can someone explain the difference, or is there one? Maybe David and I will make a video to document our findings.


Fat Shark said...

You know, this whole conglomeration of pee-knuckle could get a bit messy. Well I am very interested in viewing the statistics on this pastime in video production, but I am not for sure if I want to partake in such a dramatic performance as this. On the other hand, there is no sign of pee, simply because I have not been openly involved in a strategic round of pee-knuckle with myself. But, if I do I will definetly share the spectacular outcome!

Fat Shark said...
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